

XJTLU Becomes First Chinese Architecture Course withUnconditional RIBA AccreditationThe Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has awardedunconditional RIBA Part 1 accreditation to the undergraduate program at Xi’anJiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, making it the first Chinesearchitecture program to be certified by the UK architecture body. Theaccreditation marks another first for XJTLU’s partner university at Liverpool,which pioneered the RIBA accreditation system by becoming the first certifiedcourse in the world in 1906, and officially marks the program at XJTLU as on apar with other architecture schools around the world.In their report, the RIBA board commended the university’sarchitecture department for “creating a distinctive environment in whichstudents learn from an international and Chinese context with an ambition toproduce a new type of graduate, with an emphasis on human-centred architecture,for the emerging global context.” The RIBA also praised the program as an“alternative model for Chinese architecture education,” adding that the school’s aim of “challenging both Western and Chinese educational paradigms for architecture was an ambitious goal.”Despite only being set up in 2011, the architecture programat XJTLU has rapidly become one of China’s most prestigious architecturecourses, with students recruited from the top 5% in China’s University Entrance examinations.“It is great to see that the hard work and dedication of thestaff and students has resulted in this official recognition – underlying ourpowerful connections between the West and East,” said head of XJTLU’s head ofdepartment Professor Pierre Alain Croset. “As the most internationalarchitecture department in China, we, at XJTLU, offer an exciting pioneeringopportunity for the next generation. Our next target is for the RIBA toaccredit our M.Arch postgraduate study programme.”更多英国大学资讯可登入51offer查询。



