智能手机的时代已经到来 英国人也爱自拍


调查显示,智能手机已经成为英国人最爱的上网途径。有三分之二的英国人现在使用他们的移动设备访问互联网。A research has found that smartphones have become the UK's favorite way to get online. Two thirds of British people now use their mobile device to access the internet.报告表明,在英国有三分之一的在线访问都是通过智能手机。研究小组的领导Jane也表示研究结果出乎她的意料:“在今年我们的报告中最引人注目的一项发现就是,智能手机成为了英国现在最重要的上网设备,甚至第一次超过了笔记本电脑。”According to their report, a third of all online access in the UK is via smartphones, up from 23 percent in last year. Head of the research team Jane Rumber says the result took them by surprise."One of the most striking findings in our report this year is that smartphones are now the UK's most important device for getting online, overtaking laptops for the first time."成年手机用户每天平均花费近两个小时使用智能手机上网,而仅用一个多小时使用笔记本电脑和pc端。一个来自伦敦的用户表示,一旦你养成了每天使用智能手机的习惯就很难再远离它:“我曾经是反对使用智能手机的人中的一个,我认为手机过多地占据了人们的生活。但我已经有些开始成为这样的人了,我在努力尝试克制。”On average, adult mobile users spent nearly two hours online each day using a smartphone, compared to just over an hour on laptops and PCs.One user from London says it's hard to keep away from a smartphone once you're in the habit of using it."I'm one of those people that before I had one was really anti (against having a smartphone). I think it takes over people's lives and whatever. But I have slightly become one of those people, but I try and refrain (from letting it take over my life)."

移动互联网的崛起的一部分原因就是4G高速网络的发展以及流动媒体视频的逐渐普及。有趣的是报告的其他发现显示传统的通讯方式依然盛行,英国成年人仍然平均会在每个月邮寄六封邮件、卡片、或者包裹。The rise in mobile web surfing has been partly driven by the expansion of high-speed 4G data networks and the growing popularity of streaming video. Other results from the report show traditional forms of communication still prevail. Adults in the UK are still posting six letters, cards or parcels in an average month,

调查表明越来越多的人开始使用智能手机拍照并且发表图片。而对于手机自拍,一些人在接受调查时发表了以下的观点:“相较于拍发自己的照片,我更愿意拍摄景物或事物本身,可能因为我很老派吧。” “我不会频繁发自拍,有时理发后会发,主要看看自己形象怎么样。”The research also found more people are using smartphones to take and post pictures."I tend to take pictures of things, rather than put myself in everything. That's just an old person's way of using a smartphone""I'm not massively into selfies. I sometimes do it after I have a haircut, just to see what it looks like."



